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Shang aixue
发布时间:2020-03-22   浏览次数:


SHANG Aixue, associate Professor, Jiangsu University. Bachelor of Chinese language and literature of Henan University. Since teaching in 1984, she has been engaged in “Modern Chinese” “Introduction to Linguistics” “Teachers’ Spoken Chinese” “The Art of Practice Language” and more curriculum and relevant scientific research work. In 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015, Associate Professor Shang was selected as the teacher favored by students for four consecutive years in the activities named “My College My Home” of School of Humanity and Law.

Academic Interests

Modern Chinese

Main Courses offered

Modern Chinese

Teachers’ Spoken Chinese

Introduction to Linguistics

The Art of Practice Language

Representative Achievements

Teaching Achievements

(1) Research on the teaching reform of modern Chinese courses:Third prize for excellent teaching reform paper of Jiangsu University.2012.

(2) Modern Chinese: Excellent courses of Jiangsu University.2012.

(3) Teachers’ Spoken Chinese. Jiangsu University adult higher education courses. 2006.

Participated Academic Programs

(1) Key participants of Textbook series for higher normal universities in the new epoch:< Modern Chinese >-National education science tenth five-year plan project in 2002-2003 .

(2) Key participants of Research on the training mode of TCSL teachers-Jiangsu province education science eleventh five-year plan project in 2009-2011.

(3) Key participants of “411”Research on the reform of teacher education training mode -Jiangsu province educational science planning project in 2003.

(4) Treatise named <Cultural Linguistics Research>.One hundred and eighty thousand words published by China literature and history press in July 2015. In 2007, she achieved third prize for outstanding achievements in philosophy and social science of Zhenjiang city.

(5) Modern Chinese editor. Ninety thousand words published in Nanjing University Press in September 2003.

Achievements in the 10th Five-year Plan

(6) Su Shi Poetry Metaphor Art Research, Journal of Jiangsu University, 2011(2). (1st author)

(7) To give a study of the semantic properties and pattern selection of verbs, Journal of Jiangsu University, 2009(5).

(8) On The Reform of Modern Chinese Curriculum, The Northern Forum, 2005(2).

(9) Research on The Reform of The Theoretical System of Linguistics Teaching, The Northern Forum, 2005(5).

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