薛晨:副教授,华中师范大学历史学学士,英国伯明翰大学 (University of Birmingham) 中世纪史研究型硕士 (MRes in Medieval History)、历史学博士 (PhD in History)
研究生:中华文化与传播 (合开)
学位论文:“Constructions of Liao (907-1125) Dynastic Identities in Eastern Eurasian Context, 900-1100,” PhD Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2020
期刊:“From the ‘Five Dynasties’ to the ‘Ten States’: The Representation of Post-Tang Identities in Northern Song Historiography,” T'oung Pao (forthcoming) (A&HCI)
“Age of Emperors: Divisible Imperial Authority and the Formation of a ‘Liao World Order’ in Continental East Asia, 900-1250,” Journal of Song-Yuan Studies, 49 (2020), pp. 45-83 (A&HCI)
1. 十至十三世纪东部欧亚外交文书整理与研究,江苏省“双创人才”(世界名校博士类)项目,2022-2025(在研)
2. 辽代“皇帝”称号与皇权观念研究,江苏高校哲学社会科学研究一般项目,2021-2024(在研)
3. 清代正统观初探,中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(华中师范大学),2011-2014(结项)
1. “2021年江苏省研究生科研创新实践大赛汉语国际教学技能暨中华才艺大赛”优秀指导教师
2. 2019 Postgraduate Research Support Fund, College of Arts and Law, University of Birmingham
3. 满语文能力三级证书, 中国满语文水平等级测试中心 (颁)
4. Gerda Henkel Doctoral Scholarship (2017-19), Gerda Henkel Foundation
5. Central University Scholarship – Neville Chamberlain Postgraduate Scholarship (2015-16), University of Birmingham
6. College of Arts and Law Doctoral Scholarships (2015-18) , University of Birmingham
7. “中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金项目” (2011-14) 优秀奖, 华中师范大学
2017.09-12 (Autumn Term): Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate Seminar “Discovering the Middle Ages”, School of History and Cultures, University of Birmingham
1. 江苏省季子文化研究会,会员
2. British Association for Chinese Studies, Member
3. European Society for Central Asian Studies, Member
1. 2022.01, 2022 Kitan Symposium, “Emperors or Khans? The Imperial Designations and Multi-Faceted Rulership of Liao Monarchs,” Aberdeen University & UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (Online)
2. 2021.08, The 23rd Biennial Conference of the European Association for Chinese Studies, “Foreigners or Natives? The Diverse Interpretations of the Identity of ‘Shatuo’ in the Tenth- and Eleventh-Century China,” Leipzig University (Online)
3. 2021.05, 五代史國際學術研討會, “再論十世紀東亞的外交與皇權——以五代時期的‘可分割皇權’為中心”(論文)/“五代時期的外交與‘可分割皇權’”(演講),中央研究院歷史語言研究所(線上)
4. 2019.06, The 16th European Society for Central Asia Studies, “Divisible Rulership – Imperial Designations of the Liao Dynasty in Eastern Eurasian Context, 900-1100” (paper & presentation), Exeter University
5. 2018.09, Conference of the British Association for Chinese Studies, “Emperors in the Steppe – the Tang (618-907) Model for Liao (907-1125) Imperial Power,” King’s College London
6. 2017.09, The Second Conference on Middle Period Chinese Humanities, “Rewriting Post-Tang Identities – the Invention of the ‘Ten Kingdoms’ in Northern Song (960-1127)” (paper & discussion), Leiden University
7. 2016.09, Joint East Asian Studies Conference, “Sharing the Ancient Treasure: the Many Origins of the Kitan,” SOAS University of London
8. 2016.05, Kitan Language Crash-Course Workshop, Yale University
9. 2015.11, DIDACTE Chinese Text Analysis Workshop, University of Birmingham